Thursday, April 2, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention Tips for Journalists

by Valerian Kkonde

On March 18th President Museveni made first national address on the Coronavirus. Among the measures taken was the closure of all schools and ordering students to return home on Friday 20th.  All public gatherings were banned including religious, political and cultural. Bars and night clubs were banned forthwith. By this time Uganda had not registered any case. All measures taken were said to last up to April 19th, 2020.

On Saturday March 21st the first Covid-19 case was registered in Uganda. By April 1st, Uganda had 44 patients confirmed with the virus. All nonessential work had been stopped and private means of transport had also been banned. A curfew starting at 7:00 pm was also instituted starting on the March 31st. These measures are to stay in place for fourteen days.

Journalism, as a public service, continues to keep the public informed on all taking place about the COVID-19 pandemic as well as other issues. Although this is the case, journalists have to ensure their own safety.  Journalists in Uganda work under very distressing conditions on top of getting meager pay.
Safety tips recommended by the International Journalist Network include:
  • Work from home if you can
  • In the newsroom, clean your work station every day with at least 70% alcohol
  • Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds
  • Conduct in-person interviews only if necessary
  • Keep a distance of at least three to six feet from interviewees
  • Use two microphones and sanitize them with alcohol and disposable towels
  • Clean all equipment with alcohol
  • Send teams of no more than two people 
  • Opt for places with low foot traffic
  • Wear a surgical mask when interviewing random people on the streets and discard it immediately after.


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