Monday, April 30, 2018

Africa Holds the Future of the Paulines Congregation

by Valerian K. Kkonde
The Paulines Sisters Superior General Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan
(left) admires a Crested Crane painting on a bark cloth donated to her
by the Cooperators. Right is Sister Theresia Swai the local
Superior. Photo PNS/Valerian Kkonde

The Superior General of the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul, Sr. Anna Maria Parenzan, has said that with the growing number of vocations in Africa, there is no doubt that the Continent firmly has the future of the Congregation in its hands. 

Sr. Anna Maria who was in Uganda on a tour of the Communities in the region, made this observation while meeting the Cooperators at the Sisters’ house on Kampala road in Kampala on April 22, 2018.

 “The Congregation of the Daughters of St. Paul is becoming African due to the vocations. In Europe and America there are few vocations and we tell these young sisters that the Congregation is in their hands.”

The Superior General arrived in Uganda from Juba where she had spent three days with the sisters working in South Sudan. She left Uganda on April 24 for Tanzania. Sr. Anna Maria will then visit Malawi, Zambia and then return to Nairobi where she first arrived from the headquarters in Italy. She will hold meetings with the local superiors in the Region.

“I have enjoyed the missionary spirit of African sisters especially in Juba. The sisters are in a difficult situation but they are happy and joyous to spread the gospel, just like St. Paul the Apostle.

“In Kampala we have the gift of young people in the formation house and the apostolate in communications.”

Uganda was the first country in the region where the Paulines Sisters founded their Community. They arrived on 2nd February, 1964.

The Superior General thanked the Cooperators for accepting to work with the Paulines sisters to proclaim the gospel. She also thanked the sisters for “faithfully performing their evangelisation mission.”

Sr. Parenzan further said that as part of their pastoral work, they attract vocations and also help the young people to use well the media to spread the gospel. She added that she is very grateful to the people of Uganda for their continued encouragement and support to the Paulines Sisters also known as Daughters of St. Paul.

“We want to be the St. Paul living today: living Christ and communicating Christ. It means having a universal heart that thinks about everybody including the young people, the youth, adults and the aged.”

The Superior General observed that her wish and prayer, borrowing the words of Blessed James Alberione the founder of the Paulines Sisters and Cooperators, is that “all who work within the framework of social communication may grow in holiness and wisdom and bear witness to an authentic Christian life.”

The Paulines Sisters manage a bookshop on Plot 57 Kampala Road where they sell books and audio visuals for growth in faith. They also visit different places and present book exhibitions as an opportunity to bring the word of God to the people.  


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