Saturday, July 13, 2019

Priests, Religious Urged to Meditate to Combat Spiritual Deception

by Valerian Kkonde
Fr. Joseph Kyeyune preaching during Mass. Photo by S.P Byakatonda

With increasing challenges that prevent the clergy and the Religious from living their lives according to their calling, the chairperson of the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) Fr. Joseph Kyeyune  has urged them to always obey and trust God if they are to be successful, relevant  and exemplary l in the communities where they serve.

Fr. Kyeyune who is also the Regional Superior Apostles of Jesus Uganda, made this call during Mass at the Uganda Spiritual Formation Centre- Namugongo  (USFC) where priests and religious graduated after a nine months training in spiritual and human renewal on June 30, 2019.

“Jesus treasured so much the mission His father had assigned him that when one route was closed he used the other. He displayed a lot of determination. Position your treasure to the service of the Lord and salvation of souls. Do not place your treasure in money and materialism.”

Fr. Kyeyune, who was also the chief guest, reminded the graduands to always remember St. Augustine’s words: “you have made us for your own Lord and our hearts are restless until they rest in you” adding that they have to embrace discipleship to be successful in their service.

Since priests and the Religious make vows to be Obedient, Chaste and Poor, Fr. Kyeyune observed that the greatest of vows is obedience. He pointed out that one has to obey to be chaste and poor.

The priest pointed out that in the dot com era, obedience is taken after a number of questions yet previously priests and Religious took orders from their superiors without question. He said that the clergy and Religious go to the extent of asking whether there is network connection and Wi-Fi in the communities they are being sent.

“Some even want to know the size of the Sunday basket and the salary scale to decide whether to go or not!”
Fr. Kyeyune reminded the congregation that when the first missionaries were posted here, they always visited the chapel first. He sent the congregation into laughter when he revealed that one day a priest called him a devil for posting him in a very remote parish in the Archdiocese of Gulu, and just after the war. But that after witnessing the support from the community of that remote parish, the priest came back and told him that the decision to post him there was a wise one.

In reference to the day’s gospel from Luke 9: 51-62 the Superior General called on the graduands to always love God with all their hearts, with all their souls and with all their minds, stressing that that is what will propel them to obey their God.

The graduands were further told to engage in self examination to establish what competes with Jesus in their lives.
The Director of the USFC-Namugongo Sr. Rita Nabukalu- extreme Right- reads
out names of the graduands. Photo by S.P Byakatonda 

“Be sincere with the Spirit. Meditate on what dominates your thinking and worries. Is it money, car or land? Examine yourself to combat spiritual deception.”

He warned that discipleship calls all to always look forward, and reminded them of the last phrase of the gospel which stated that no one who puts hands on the plough  and looks back is worthy of the kingdom of God.

“No turning back.”

The directress of USFC- Namugongo Sister Rita Nabukalu told the gathering that the centre is a child of the Association of the Religious in Uganda, and donors from Europe contribute a lot to the program. It is based in Kito, Kira Municipality.

“Your responsibility is to open your treasure of enjoyment and brig a positive change in your communities,”

Sister Lydia Apili Bwor the Secretary General of ARU told the graduands to prove to their communities that they are a product whose quality will live forever, warning that without God’s grace they cannot do much.

“What are your virtues of being a priest and Religious? Do you still love God the way you had your first Holy Communion? Priests, do you still love and pray to God the way you did while still in the seminary? Do you understand what it means to take the course of renewal?”

Sr. Apili called on the congregation to be committed in their Christian, Religious and priestly lives to make the world a better place. She pointed out that good priests and Religious do not fall from the sky but are brought forth by men and women who commit themselves to the will of God. She called on the communities to help them to lead their lives according to their vocations.

According to Fr. Anthony Mugerwa, a priest from Kampala Archdiocese, the program was spot on.
“The courses, the Retreats and Prayer sessions during these nine months have revitalized our malnourished souls.  We are now in a position to give life and hope to others.”

The 33 graduands underwent a nine months training in Personal Renewal and Integration program. They were from Kenya, Tanzania, South Sudan, Cameroon, India and the host Uganda.


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