Friday, July 19, 2019

Uganda Government Suffocates Roman Catholic Media with Outrageous Taxes

by Valerian Kkonde

Blessed James Alberione was instrumental in the Catholic Church/s use of media
to evangelise the world.

The Roman Catholic Church in Uganda has accused government of suffocating its media institutions with outrageous taxes, making it impossible to promote the pastoral ministry of the Church and its attempts to contribute towards the socio-economic growth and the transformation of the country.

The revealing complaint was made by the Executive Secretary of the Social Communications Commission of the Uganda Episcopal Conference, Fr. Philip Odii. This was during the national

celebrations of the World Communications Day held at Hoima diocese on May 12th, 2019.

“Our media institutions are financially constrained due to the high license fees among others. Broadcasting license fees for our radio stations have been raised by over 300% in 2017.”

Fr. Odii further revealed that the Church is very concerned by some aspects of the proposed new terms and conditions of radio frequency spectrum authorisation in Uganda.

“Particularly the issue of pre-payment of license fees as a condition for continued possession and use of the spectrum.”

The Church’s position, according to the Executive Secretary, is that for the first year, the fees can be paid in advance but for the subsequent years, to allow the station pay within some grace period.

The Catholic Church owns ten radio stations and several media institutions.

The World Communications Day provides media personnel and the faithful with an opportunity to reflect on their responsibilities in the communication apostolate, pray for its success and to make financial contribution to support it.

“It is also a day to appreciate and honour all the people who are committed to serving our society through the media,” Fr.  Odii told the congregation in Bujumbura Cathedral.

This year’s celebrations mark the 53rd World Communications Day under the theme:  “We are members one of another” (Eph 4,25). From network community to human communities, as given by His Holiness Pope Francis, and it is the title of his message for this year.

According to the Vatican Press, the choice of the theme for the 2019 Message confirms Pope Francis’ attention to the new communications environment and for social networks, especially, where he is present in the first person with his @Pontifex account on Twitter and @Franciscus on Instagram.

The theme underlines the importance of giving back to communication a broad perspective, based on the person, and emphasizes the value of interaction always understood as dialogue and as an opportunity to meet with others.

In his message, Pope Francis highlights the important role of Social Networks in promoting human interaction and solidarity while also noting the risks entailed.  He calls upon all people to use the social networks for positive encounters and to ensure that they are a resource for humanity.

“Our interactions in the Social Networks should indeed promote our oneness and should be charracterised by mutual respect, truthfulness and care for one another.”

In his first Message for World Communications Day in 2014, the Holy Father called for the Internet to be “an environment rich in humanity, a network not of wires but of people.”

In line with the Pope’s message, Fr. Odii urged the Catholic Communicators to be at the fore front in promoting the positive aspects of Social Networks.

“Let us use them to connect people by sharing information and experiences that build the person and community, and this should be done in a spirit of dialogue and respect.”

To the faithful, he reminded them to pray for communicators so that they may make good use of the means of communication at their disposal for the good of Ugandans and the entire world.

Every year Catholic Communicators gather for what is known as the Communication Week, usually preceding the National Communications Day Celebrations, to share experiences and participate in a number of activities. This exercise is rotated around the country each year in the four Ecclesiastical Provinces.

This year Hoima diocese was the host in conjunction with Mbarara Ecclesiastical Province. The Communicators also had a one day workshop on: Networking for Effective Communication and Resource Mobilisation. Last year Gulu Ecclesiastical Province was the organiser having Nebbi diocese as the host. Lugazi diocese was the host in 2017 on behalf of Kampala Ecclesiastical Province.


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