Saturday, October 8, 2022

Speak with One and Loud voice to Protect the Environment- Kabaka Mutebi II


By Valerian Kkonde



Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II

     The Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II has ordered his people to speak with one and loud voice when it comes to protecting the environment.

     Kabaka Mutebi II gave the directive while addressing his people on the 60th anniversary of Buganda’s independence.

     Bulungibwansi has been used to protect the environment and promote the well-being of our people.

     “For all the time we have engaged in Bulungibwansi, it has been a source of joy. The response of our people keeps increasing every year. We are further happy due to the fact that the youth are getting involved in big numbers. This is very encouraging as the future of the kingdom belongs to them. You must speak with one loud voice when it comes to fighting for the environment.”

     Given the ability of Bulungibwansi to mobilise people, Kabaka Mutebi II urged the government to copy the practice so that it spreads to the whole country.

     Bulungibwansi is a practice of community service which the people in Buganda kingdom engage in, from time to time, to work on public utilities like wells and roads. It is a voluntary exercise which is at the heart of the pride of the Buganda kingdom and depicts the civilization, development and progress of the kingdom.

     Every year the 18 Counties of the kingdom compete among themselves to establish the County that has excelled in service delivery. This year, Kyaggwe was declared the winner and the celebrations of the Bulungibwansi day were to be held there. Due to the threat of Ebola going on in the country, Kabaka Mutebi II told his people to celebrate from their respective areas to stem the threat.

     The National Environment Management Authority was praised for its efforts in protecting the environment.

    “We want a peaceful and well looked after country which is a joy to behold,” the Kabaka concluded his address from Bulange palace in Kampala.





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