Monday, June 15, 2015

People Run away from Africa because their Rights are Abused- Cardinal Wamala

By Valerian Kkonde
L-R Cardinal Wamala, Archbishops John Baptist Odama and Cyprian Kizito Lwanga during Mass on 3rd June 2015 Uganda Martyrs Day at Namugongo. PNS Photo

KAMPALA- His eminence Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala has said that the mass immigration we see on television in the Mediterranean Sea is due to the blatant human rights abuses taking place on the African continent.

“By birth we love our countries. But why are people running away from Africa? It is because there is no unity and their rights are abused.”

Cardinal Wamala made this observation during the 10:00 O’clock Mass on June 14th, 2015 at St. Agnes Kibuye- Makindye Parish, on the outskirts of Kampala city.

Wamala, the Kampala Archbishop Emeritus, made the observation as he tried to explain the genesis of the Archdiocese’s theme: Seek Reconciliation, Justice and Transparency in the Family to Obtain True Peace.

He told the congregation that the theme was given by His Holiness Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI during the African Bishops’ synod in Rome.

“Speaker after speaker talked of war, hunger, diseases, catastrophes and destruction in a bid to describe Africa. The Holy Father came up with this theme, which the Kampala Archdiocese took on as a guiding principle for a number of years now.

“Know your rights and work for them. Know the rights of others and respect them.

“As long as rights are abused, Africa will not be in peace. People have gone to the extent of stripping because their rights are abused! They see no where to go for remedy,” the Cardinal preached.

Wamala further observed that the many refugees, in Uganda, from Burundi, DR Congo and South Sudan are all complaining about lack of justice and their rights being abused at every turn.

“Just talk to them and their answers are all the same!”

Decrying the poor state of families, the Cardinal further told the congregation about a conversation, at a party, when a woman was asked why she had not come along with her husband. The woman jokingly asked them whether her husband new where she was, and whether she knew where the husband was.

“That is what is happening in our homes. Parents do not know where the children are, and the children do not know where the parents are!”

About the First Reading of the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year B, from Prophet Ezekiel 17: 22-24, the Cardinal summed up the message stating that God’s plan is not our plan but that if we trust in Him, we get a lot of good things.

The Second Reading was extracted from Corinthians 5: 6-10. This Reading is a reminder that as people of God we are supposed to always please Him, no matter the state we are in.

The Gospel according to Mark 4:26-34 talks about the mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds but grows into the biggest tree of all.

“Ezekiel is telling us to remain steadfast because God will come to our rescue. He is telling us about the coming of Christ when our joy and happiness will be restored to its fullness.”

The Cardinal went on to remind the congregation that Christ’s word spread to the whole world, even Uganda. He reminded them that when Christ was handing over to St. Peter, He told him that when he is strengthened, he should strengthen his brothers.

“It is because of Christ’s word that the Pope will come to Uganda. The Pope is not a tourist coming to see how the country looks like; he is coming to strengthen his brethren.”

St. Agnes Kibuye- Makindye Christians were also remembering the late Francis Xavier Muwonge, who died seven years ago, and was the head of the laity in the Parish.

Muwonge had worked selflessly for the founding and expansion of the Parish. The Parish was founded on 22 December, 2002. He was the first head of the laity. He was also the patron of St. Agnes choir, which sings during the 10: 00 O’clock Mass.

The Cardinal said that the late Muwonge challenges his family and the Christians at large. He urged the congregation to emulate him and continue expanding the Parish.

“Muwonge loved his country as well. He was a key figure in educating Uganda’s children. He constructed a number of high quality schools around the country.

“We remember and pray for the dead because we believe in communion with the saints, not only those in heaven but also those still on earth.  Departing from this earth is like some one on a flight to Rome. The plane can have a stop over in Brussels. Before you take another plane to the final destination, you are in the waiting room.

“The time you spend in the waiting room depends on a number of factors. It is not a luxury to be in a waiting room.”

Kibuye- Makindye was granted a Parish status by Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala while still the Archbishop of Kampala Archdiocese. The task of establishing the worthiness of Kibuye- Makindye lay with the then Pastoral Coordinator, Fr. Joseph Lugobe who is currently in charge of the parish. The Cardinal said that it was his first time to say Mass in the newly constructed magnificent parish Church.

“There are three major reasons why we spend billions on constructing these magnificent Churches when people are going hungry and have no where to sleep.

“The Church is a sign of God’s presence in our midst, it is the sign of us who worship in it and it reminds us that we are God’s temples. It has to bring out His majesty,” he congratulated the parishioners.


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