Saturday, June 6, 2015

Namugongo Fire should Spread to whole of Uganda- Bishop Franzelli

By Valerian Kkonde

If Christians are to witness Christ in the family and society
Fr. Omara and Fr. Louis carry the relics of the Martyrs. PNS Photo
NAMUGONGO CATHOLIC MARTYRS’ SHRINE- It was ululation, singing, dancing, clapping and jumping at Namugongo as pilgrims from all corners of the world gathered to praise God for the gift of the 22 Catholic Uganda Martyrs.

Namugongo, in 1886 a place of no return, is today a Holy attraction for Christians and non-Christians alike as they come for spiritual nourishment and renewal. Karoli Lwanga and companions were killed here, on the orders of Ssekabaka (late King of Buganda) Daniel Basammula Mwanga after they chose to die rather than sin.

Some were dismembered, speared, beheaded and others were set ablaze alive! Andrew Kaggwa and Denis Ssebuggwawo were martyred in Munyonyo just outside the Kabaka’s palace as they set off for Namugongo where the majority gave up their lives for Christ.

In his 21 minute homily, Bishop Franzelli the Ordinary of Lira Diocese urged pilgrims to emulate the Martyrs by leading a life founded on what Christ orders them to do.

Basing on the day’s Gospel drawn from Mathew 5: 1-12 Bishop Franzelli said that the Martyrs watered down all the lame excuses of saying that it is impossible to do the will of Christ.

“Christ’s message is powerful. It calls us to conversion. Don’t hide behind lame excuses that beatitudes are too high. The Martyrs prove us wrong. They are living these beatitudes.

“The beatitudes are hard but possible. That is why we call them Martyrs. It is from Greek meaning Witness. They remind us of Christ’s words: you will be my witnesses.”

Bringing the gospel to the day to day life in Uganda, the Bishop observed that Christians are only paying lip service to their faith.

“We have got used to these words and they no longer strike us. Yet we have to hunger for justice and to be called children of God. What Christ is telling us is the opposite of what we see, want and society needs.

“The gospel we hear is that of: blessed are those who use their offices for personal good,…While we condemn corruption, some time we consider it the normal way of life if one wants to survive and be successful.

We are faced with two opposite gospels: of Christ and of the world. We must choose. We cannot be servants of two masters.”

The third June Uganda Martyrs day 2015 was celebrated under the theme: Called to be witnesses of Christ in the family and society. Lira Diocese was the main organiser and led the Holy Mass laden with tradition and culture.

Bishop Franzelli stressed that the family “is one of the ways in which we are called to witness Christ.” Making reference to the Holy Father’s speech to the Bishops from the Dominican, the Bishop said that “the family is a place to learn to live together, love and respect others. It is a place where parents pass on their values to children.

Domestic violence, polygamy and same sex marriages all destroy the family. The family is a place of communion and a sentinel of prayer. It is the family that transforms our relationship.”

Early 2016 Uganda will hold general elections. Already, as has been the case all these years, the political atmosphere is charged and is characterized with oppression, suffocation and intimidation of members of the opposition.

Bishop Franzelli used the Martyrs Day to call for sanity, justice and accountability to the electorate.

“We need Christian witnesses in our society; the business people, civil servants, leaders at all levels, parliamentarians. All have to be witnesses. That is when doctors and nurses will respect life; Police will respect even the weak. In the political arena, we need people who do what is morally good without fear to lose votes. We are already in the election period; we need people who look at opponents as competitors who should not be crushed. We need more Martyrs.”

If the over one million pilgrims who converged in Namugongo, to honour the Uganda Martyrs, were to choose to be witnesses of Christ in word and deed, the world would be a far better place to live in. Uganda would be the real Pearl of Africa.

“Let us pray for the gift of renewed life. As we leave Namugongo let us choose to embrace the Martyrs. May the fire of Namugongo spread to all the country, and burn all evil, divisions, oppression and injustices.

Let us also pray for the gift of strong faith to be true witnesses of Christ.”


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