Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year and continue supporting PNS

KAMPALA- At Pearl News Service, we congratulate you upon making it to the year 2012. The many challenges like the economic recession hitting the globe as well as the many conflicts and natural disasters may have affected your earlier plans for the festive season, right from Christmas. In any case there many reasons to be happy and grateful to the Unmoved Mover.

The reason why you have to be happy is because you are alive; that is the basis of all what we do and hope to achieve. Our request is that every one of you uses the gift of life to work for justice and peace wherever you are. Without peace you are as good as dead.

 2012 will be crucially an important year, and there is a lot we need to keep an eye on: robbery of public resources, obscene accumulation of wealth by government officials and their cronies, justice and peace, democracy, institutional breakdown and government’s brutality toward its people, human rights, nepotism and environmental destruction among others.

Yet we cannot accomplish this without your support. That is why we are appealing to you, out there, to help us raise US $ 50,000 before the end of January 2012. Pearl News Service intends to acquire equipment and better facilitate our reporters to have boots on the ground.

The continued practice of independent, truth-telling reporting is what we can promise in return. The fact that though good journalism is costly but achievable is the source of our confidence.

Those who can contribute towards the realization of good journalism can contact the Managing Editor: Valerian Kiryowa Kkonde at
Telephone: +256 752 627 194

As we venture into the year 2012, we pray that God’s love and goodness be your guide. We look forward to your continued support.

Happy New Year!


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